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The Doula.

What is a Doula? 

I am sure that in your search to find a perfect doula, you have seen this type of page before. To summarize:


The word doula comes from the greek word for the lowliest handmaid. Oftentimes, she helped with the labors of her mistress. 


In modern times, doulas have been used to counteract the negative birth environment. We are mediators, space-holders, comforters, and friends. We try to work with both the over-medicalized birth environment and the natural birth process a woman experiences. We are ready to see every type of birth: from the home, to the hospital, to even in the ocean. We are there for you in your time of need. 


Doulas do not carry liability or responsibiltiy for the medical side of birth. While doulas do not provide medical services, we are here for advice. Doulas would encourage you to seek out a professional midwife or obstetrician care during your pregnancy.





 To a Chrsitian, it seems obvious to hire someone with similar values and morals. 


Why would a non-Christian want to hire a Christian doula? Don't worry, I wont be sprinkling holy water on you or speaking in tounges to your unborn child. 


I do, however, believe I am called to serve. The Bible says in 1 Peter 4:10, "10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms." Being a doula is a gift. I believe I am called to sacrifice my sleep and my comfort for the birthing mother. My duty is to you. It might be hard to find someone willing to give you that level of work ethic needed for stablity during labor and birth. 


I also believe in showing love to everyone. My job is to provide the most supported, comforted environment for you, your family, and your child. 


I am inspired by the Midwives in Egypt, who defied Pharoh and delievered the Israeli boys. In this medicalized environment, I feel defiant against what is culturally accepted of women, and want to help women feel liberated to make their own decisions about birth. 

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